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  • Writer's pictureShreya Desai

Our Vote

I have continuously been bombarded the past few months with tweets, Instagram posts, and emails about registering to

vote for the upcoming November election. Never in my life have I been told to do the same thing by thousands of people across the country-including celebrities, political figures, and my cousins down in Florida-over and over again. What shocks me is the fact that I never get tired of hearing it. I never become annoyed of being reminded of this one important thing every day, even though I pre-registered to vote when I was 17. I hate getting reminded to clean my room or to wash the dishes, but I am never bothered by being reminded to vote. Why? Because I love to hear, people come together to exercise the one power that every citizen carries in this country. I love thinking, “Yes! I am using the power of my vote that people fought to get for me.”

In 2016, just under 60% of our voting-eligible population in the United States chose to use their voice and their power to

vote (From United States Elections Project). I have been astounded by the efforts to shift the trends of 2016, especially since we are still in the midst of a pandemic. From Lebron James’ “More than a Vote” organization (, which has recruited over 10,000 poll workers across the nation, to the satellite voting stations that allow hard working voters to vote early and safely during the weekdays and even on weekends.

As a student interested in pursuing a field in the sciences, I am not just voting for the next president, senator, or

representative. I am also voting for research funding, healthcare polices, and our planet’s future. If you are already a registered voter, I urge you to encourage your family members and neighbors to vote. I also challenge you to take it a step further and get involved within your local community or discuss science policies in this upcoming election with other voters. Visit for a list of future events that you can participate in! 

Be proud of being a voter and use your voice to inspire others!

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