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Emma Fidler (she/they)

Emma is a second year Ph.D. student in the Biological Sciences department, and this is her third year on the SciPol board. She got interested in science policy after witnessing the rampant misinformation spread about the COVID-19 pandemic. She loves that SciPol-Detroit fosters growth in science communication and advocacy for students like her!

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Simi Olabode (she/her)

Simi is a Public Health major, with a minor in Medical Humanities. She enjoys Sci Pol because it is an opportunity to advocate for and educate about health-informed policy. She is especially interested in evaluating health policy through research, and aims to become a physician and Public Health researcher.


Ahlam Awada (she/her)

Ahlam graduated from Wayne State University with a B.S. in Biological Sciences and a Minor in Public Health. She currently works as a Research Assistant in the Biology Department. She joined SciPol in 2022 after learning about the organization's involvement in science policy. She loves being a part an organization that advocates for healthcare equities among other issues. Ahlam's future career goals include going to medical school and alway being involved in bridging the gap between scientists, healthcare professionals, and the communities they serve. 

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Caitlin Johnson (she/her)
Events Coordinator

Caitlin is currently a graduate student in the Counseling Psychology program. She loves having the opportunity to advocate for policies that are backed by science. SciPol has helped her refine her skills on science communication as well as improving her understanding about what goes into policy making. She hopes to use her knowledge in advocacy to provide competent care in therapeutic spaces.


Marc McFarlane (he/him)
Vice President

Marc is currently pursuing his MPH in Epidemiology. What he loves about SciPol is to be able to rally people together for a common cause, and be able get people more involved in our government. His future career goals is to pursue a PhD, so he can study how public policy has an impact on human health.

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 Katherine Dwyer (she/her)
NSPN Liaison

Katie is currently a dual-graduate student working towards her Ph.D. in Biological Sciences and M.B.A. She enjoys engaging in scientific outreach and eventually would like to inform and affect policy within the science-policy interface.

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MacKenna Shampine (she/her)

MacKenna graduated from Hope College in 2023 with her bachelor's degree in psychology. She currently serves as the lab manager and study coordinator in the THINK Lab at Wayne State University's School of Medicine. She is applying to clinical psychology PhD programs with the goal of studying interactions between physical and psychological health. She hopes to develop holistic treatment interventions and to advocate for policies supporting the equitable and efficient integration of research findings into clinical practice. MacKenna joined SciPol last year and enjoys learning from the diverse passions and perspectives of other SciPol members, getting involved in science policy at local, state, and national levels, and discovering new career avenues for scientists in policy.

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Sumer Chaudhry (she/her)
Membership Coordinator

Sumer is studying public health at Wayne State University, with a concentration in chemistry and social medicine. SciPol provides a platform for opportunities in student advocacy on behalf of underserved populations. She plans to further her education in medicine and social justice through research and educational programs.


Natalie Snider (she/her)

Natalie is a PhD Candidate in the Cancer Biology Graduate Program studying cancer epidemiology and colorectal cancer disparities. Her favorite part about SciPol is the opportunity it provides for scientists and students of all backgrounds to communicate science at the most important level: the public. Her future career goal is to work in regulatory science to advance the safety and efficacy of cancer care at all levels for patients of all backgrounds.


Clara Zundel (she/her)
Post Doctoral Student Liaison

Clara is a behavioral neuroscientist that studies how environmental toxicants, such as air pollution, impact brain development and increase risk for mental health disorders. Through SciPol, she appreciates the opportunity to bridge science with policy, connecting her with lawmakers at the state and federal levels to advocate for evidence-based changes that directly improve public health.

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Matthew van de Weerd (he/him)

Matthew is currently studying Neuroscience. He works at the Karmanos Cancer Institute primarily with investigational oncology agents (monoclonal antibodies, mutagenics, antineoplastics) to treat cancer. He joined SciPol as he feels like it was an appropriate way to utilize his skills for causes that he is particularly passionate about and a catalyst for him to facilitate positive change in this city that he loves dearly. He is going to be pursuing a Masters in Pharmacology and an MBA as he pursues a career in regulatory affairs!

Former President (2023-2024): Brenna Friday

Former Vice President (2023-2024): Emma Fidler

Former Secretary (2023-2024): Marc McFarlane 



Hilary Marusak, PhD

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Dr. Marusak is a developmental neuroscientist and associate professor of psychiatry at Wayne State University School of Medicine. She cofounded SciPol-Detroit in 2020 with a few fantastic students to empower students and scientists to better communicate their science and advocate for science funding and science-based policies. She is so proud and impressed of how the group has evolved over time, which speaks to the passion and dedication of our young science advocates and leaders - they are the next generation!

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Stacie Clayton, MBA

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Stacie is the Director of Community Affairs for Wayne State University.  In this role she serves as the primary contact for individuals, business, community organizations, and local municipalities that seek involvement with the University.  Stacie promotes the urban mission of the University by strengthening, developing and sustaining mutually beneficial partnerships with stakeholders throughout the metropolitan Detroit area.  This includes strategically extending Wayne State’s resources to the community so that Wayne State continues to have a significant impact on the cultural, economic and social life of southeastern Michigan. Stacie also works directly with the University’s leadership, schools and colleges to advance their work internally and externally.


Carrie Leach, PhD

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Dr. Leach is an Assistant Professor (Research) at the Institute of Gerontology and Community Engagement Program Manager at the Center for Urban Responses to Environmental Stressors (CURES) at Wayne State University. Dr. Leach has considerable experience in inter-disciplinary research in a variety of settings with expertise in health communication, environmental health literacy, and community-based and aging services delivery and communication. 


Dr. Theresa Hastert

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Dr. Hastert is an Associate Professor in the Department of Oncology within the Wayne State University School of Medicine, and a Scientific Member in the Population Studies and Disparities Research Program at the Karmanos Cancer Institute (KCI). Her research focuses on social, economic, and behavioral factors as predictors of cancer outcomes. Her recent work focuses on cancer survivorship, and on financial and employment outcomes and social needs experienced by cancer survivors, particularly those with the fewest resources. Dr. Hastert is the PI of a Mentored Research Scholar Grant through the American Cancer Society (ACS) examining the economic consequences of cancer and leads a project funded by the Michigan Health Endowment Fund to develop educational resources to connect people with cancer and their caregivers to help them navigate financial issues related to cancer. She completed her PhD in Epidemiology at the University of Washington and Master of Public Policy degree at UCLA, where she worked in the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.

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Dr. Lori Pile

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Dr. Pile is a professor in the department of Biological Sciences and associate dean of undergraduate affairs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Wayne State University. She is currently a co-PI and the co-Program Director of the National Institutes of Health funded Maximizing Access to Research (MARC) at Wayne State University undergraduate student training program. The goal of this scholar program is to build a strong cohort of research-oriented underrepresented minority students who identify as biomedical scientists and will enter Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. programs in the biomedical sciences. Dr. Pile is the co-developer and instructor in the undergraduate course Science Advocacy and Public Engagement, which is designed to promote student interaction and engagement with diverse audiences around a variety of science topics.


Rochelle Chapman 

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Rochelle is the Community Engagement Coordinator for the Center for Urban Responses to Environmental Stressors (CURES). Her role is to create bi-directional relationships with community members. To educate and disseminate research in a relatable way to the community.She was added to the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Team weekly engagement meetings. For the past 19 years she has been involved in grassroots organizing and community outreach which includes free resources (food, clothing, school supplies, etc.) for residents.

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Dr. Tricia Miranda-Hartsuff

Dr. Patricia Yvonne Miranda-Hartsuff is a health equity policy scholar with over 18 years of experience with community-based participatory methods and expertise in the measurement of population-based health disparities. She has underscored the importance of the intersectionality of gender, race, class and immigration in evaluating health disparities, and has added the critical assessment of the implementation of health in all policies and sociopolitical context to the discourse on health inequity and as a lens to examine important conditions that affect vulnerable populations.

Dr. Miranda joined Wayne State University in August 2020 as tenured Associate Professor of Public Health.

Dr. Hastert is an Associate Professor in the Department of Oncology within the Wayne State University School of Medicine, and a Scientific Member in the Population Studies and Disparities Research Program at the Karmanos Cancer Institute (KCI). Her research focuses on social, economic, and behavioral factors as predictors of cancer outcomes. Her recent work focuses on cancer survivorship, and on financial and employment outcomes and social needs experienced by cancer survivors, particularly those with the fewest resources. Dr. Hastert is the PI of a Mentored Research Scholar Grant through the American Cancer Society (ACS) examining the economic consequences of cancer and leads a project funded by the Michigan Health Endowment Fund to develop educational resources to connect people with cancer and their caregivers to help them navigate financial issues related to cancer. She completed her PhD in Epidemiology at the University of Washington and Master of Public Policy degree at UCLA, where she worked in the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.


Nicholas  Schroeck

Nick Schroeck is an environmental law expert whose work focuses on air pollution, water pollution, environmental justice, transportation, and citizen suit enforcement. Professor Schroeck joined the Detroit Mercy Law Faculty in 2018 as the Director of Clinical Programs and Associate Professor of Law. He was appointed Associate Dean of Experiential Education in 2019. He previously directed the Transnational Environmental Law Clinic and taught Environmental Law at Wayne State University Law School.


Dr. Thomas Fischer

Dr. Fischer is an Associate Professor of Psychology and the founding Director of the Undergraduate Neuroscience Program at Wayne State. He coordinates community education outreach activities throughout the metro Detroit area and serves as a co-advisor for the WSU Chapter of Nu Rho Psi, the National Honor Society in Neuroscience.  Dr Fischer is the current national President of Nu Rho Psi.

  • Breanna Borg

  • Katie Dwyer

  • Ava Palopoli

  • Lana Ruvolo Grasser

  • Lyndsey Braman

  • Alisa Kishta

  • Clara Zundel

  • Edlira Sako

  • Edlira Sako

  • Hilary Marusak

  • Daed Daher

  • Ayia almufti

  • Savanah Rayyan

  • Colleen Linn

  • Julia Evanski

  • Shreya Desai

  • Jennifer Oprisiu

  • Alicia Arkwright

  • shelley Paulisin

  • Jack Schroeder

  • Prince Iroanya

  • Emma Fidler

  • Amanpreet Bhogal

  • Mackenzie Connell

  • Theresa Hastert

  • Simi Olabode

  • Marc McFarlane

  • Nicole Gadon

  • Alixandria Trombley

  • Dalia Daher

  • Quinten Beggs

  • Lisa Todd

  • Victoria Kelley

  • Jaelen Mayberry

  • Justin Hayes

  • Christine Rainak

  • Brenna Friday

  • Maggie Sneideman

  • Michael Muczynski

  • Azeez Ayantayo

  • Simi Olabode

  • Lisa Maria Aldape

  • Tavie Valdez

  • Alexandra Yorks

  • Anna Avant

  • Zoe McLeroy

  • Saniya Khan

  • Natalie Snider

  • Lisa Todd

  • Victoria Fasakin

  • Siddhi Nair

  • Sean Minton

  • Olivia Kodra



Membership is $25/year, which includes a free SciPol-Detroit t-shirt and benefits listed below. Membership dues are paid on Venmo to



We are also selling SciPol-Detroit stickers and sweatshirts to raise money for a science-advocacy trip to Capitol Hill. Click here to access our order form. 







We are very grateful for the generous support of:


Wayne State University Office of Government and Community Affairs


Wayne State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Wayne State University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences


Research!America Microgrant


Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) Science for Public Good Fund


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