Community violence action group
Gun violence remains a public health crisis, and rates of injury and death by firearms are increasing. The Detroit Free Press cited 327 homicides and 1,173 non-fatal shootings in the city of Detroit during 2020, a 19% and 53% increase, respectively, from the year prior. Gun violence is a complex and multifaceted problem rooted in systemic racism, socioeconomic and environmental inequities. Therefore, a comprehensive approach, including community awareness and policy advocacy, is needed. The SciPol- Detroit Community Violence Action Group has taken actionable steps toward eradicating gun violence by providing information on gun safety, distributing gun locks, and surveying the community. Data collected by our group indicate dramatic economic benefits to investing in programs that reshape environments that cultivate crime and violence and enact gun control legislation on the federal, state, and local levels of government.
To join this action group, please email Jack and Savanah: and
To learn more, read our full brief below.
Group leaders:
Jack Schroeder
Savanah Rayyan​
Faculty advisor:​
Barbara Jones
Lana Grasser
Junior Lloyd Allen
Veronika Gawrys
Shelley Paulisin
Breanna Borg

Policy brief: